Our Mission

Grounded in the belief that education is liberation, Lolly’s Place enhances learning and inspires students
to thrive academically. To better prepare our students for 21st century success, we holistically educate children
from diverse academic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Our Vision

All children deserve an after-school safety net where they are nurtured and experience a genuine love of learning.

Core Values



One-on-One Tutoring
Reading Assessments
Small Group Instruction
Art & Yoga Classes
Cooking Classes
Outdoor Play

Family Owl Prowls
Student Field Trips
Summer Camp Programs


Our History

Mary Pat Gallagher, M.A., a longtime University City resident and career educator, began her own tutoring business in 2011. Wishing to broaden the reach of her tutoring services, Gallagher founded Lolly’s Place Inc. as a 501(c)(3) in spring 2015, under the guidance and direction of The Mission Center

As Grace would have it, at the same time, Reverend Dr. Johanna McCune Wagner, pastor of Trinity Presbyterian Church, reached out to The Mission Center, looking to partner with a local community service organization. Alice Layton, Director of Education at The Mission Center, brought Gallagher and Wagner together. Trinity Presbyterian Church, committed to its mission of “Celebrating diversity, Working for justice and Living with joy,” is now home to Lolly’s Place Inc.

During June and July 2015, thanks to the generosity and support of pastor Msgr. Richard Hanneke and principal Miss Jeanne Gearon, summer camp programs were held and start-up funding was generated at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish

Lolly’s Place is committed to family fitness, family literacy, and experiential learning. Our core service areas include one-to-one tutoring and mentoring, yoga, and arts enrichment.